This was a project intended for a local ISP called Itacom, which was my client sometime ago, when I was just starting developing websites being a teenager. Despite this being a failed project that didn't see the light commercially, it was developed in its entirety and I'm proud of what was accomplished with this.

Itacom just got licensed by Motorola to distribute the Canopy technology on the region. So they built a big canopy backbone with amazing wireless speed within their own network on the city. So they asked me and a friend to develop some sort of 'store' where their users could use to download content directly from their servers. The system was intended to track those downloads and associate them as purchases from the clients, so Itacom could charge them at the end of the month with their usual bill.

So this immitation of App Store was made, intending to emulate it perfectly, but instead of instant payment the bill would arrive at the end of the month. Just for Itacom users.

Sadly, all negotiations with the copyright owners were taken down and soon after the failing of the project, the whole company was sold to the big conglomerate Tigo, property of Millicom International.

  • PHP, Zend Framework, PostgreSQL, jQuery, jQueryUI, Less.
  • Photoshop, Illustrator.
  • 2012