Exel Turismo

This is a travel agency from Asunción, which is the city I lived during my college days. They heard of me through an acquaintance and this is the result.

They wanted to showcase their packages and be able to update it regularly. So WordPress was my weapon of choice. By that time they released the API to register custom posts, so it become quite easy to distinguish the publications and develop some other tools to manage them. Such as the main page sliders and the offers. The custom posts for these components had their own metaboxes and mostly every variable that was needed to display it correctly were customizable.

Since the 'Disney for Quinceañeras' (girls and now boys that travel for their «sweet fifteen») is the most important package of the year for them, I also developed a hotsite for it. With music and CSS animations it was really aesthetically appealing. So were the 'memories' section, which was linked directly to their Facebook photos page, retrieving full albums and pictures and displaying them within the website via Facebook's API. No need to leave the website then. Specially for the parents that wanted updates from their children traveling, and weren't into the social media world yet by then.

  • WordPress, jQuery, CSS, SoundManager 2, Scrollr.
  • Photoshop, Illustrator.
  • 2011 - 2017